Re-visiting Piers Anthony's Xanth "trilogy"
In my quest to avoid working on my monograph, I've recently wandered down a Piers Anthony-sized rabbit hole. At some point, I might comment on his two fascinating autobiographies, but for now let me focus on his first Xanth "trilogy" -- A Spell for Chameleon (1977), The Source of Magic (1979), and Castle Roogna (1979). Of course, these three books are no more a trilogy than my cat, Sawyer, is a trilogy. That designation was a Del Rey/Ballantine marketing ploy, pure and simple, and today nobody would question that Xanth constitutes an open-ended series with stand-alone novels that feature, especially after Bink and Dor, brand-new protagonists for each new book. Still, last month I accidentally re-read these first three book as a cluster, so let me mention some general thoughts on this "trilogy" before offering more specific commentary on the books.** General Remarks -- Xanth, Oz, and World-building As a teen, I never realized how closely the world-building betwee...