The Situation at JFA
Looks like there's a massive hot mess at Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts right now. Last summer, Brian Attebery announced his retirement after 16 years, and the Board then issued a call for a new "editorial collective." "Well," I thought, "this is exciting! I have a ton of publishing experience, including five years of editorial experience, plus a World Fantasy Award, so I'll apply ... JFA would be a dream job." So I spent three work-days pouring my heart and soul into an application letter. It's some of my best writing ... for what it's worth, here it is . Despite my qualifications, I nonetheless kind of knew I had no real chance. First, I'm an outsider to the IAFA community -- no real connections, and I'm not good at socializing with random people at conferences. Still, I'd heard enough buzz to guess that JFA was looking hard to diversify .... and I know academia well enough to know that my kinds of diversity (working c...