So, I already do this productivity reports in August (i.e., the anniversary of me getting an academic blog), which may be found both here and here , but I decided that a "Calendar Year Productivity Report" would not only be fun but fun -- you know, give myself a sense of achievement that occurs twice as frequently as Christmas, despite the overlap in materials. Of course, I'll only include things written within this calendar year, although some of it has been fortunate enough to be published rather quickly. So, without further ado, here's the report: Everything from January-July 2017 "Unraveling The Hobbit's Strange Publication History: A Look at Possible Worlds, Modality, and Accessibility Relations " -- now published in Fastitocalon , 6000 words "J.R.R. Tolkien and 1954 Nomination of E.M. Forster for the Nobel Prize" -- now published by Mythlore , 9000 words Book review of Edmund Gordon's The Invention of Angela Carter , now p...