Latest Book Review: HIDDEN WYNDHAM

Time for two reviews by me from the SFRA Review!

Belatedly, I only just now realized that I never mentioned my review of Robert Waugh's book, The Tragic Thread of Science Fiction (2019), which SFRA Review published last November. You can find my review here. It's maybe the most negative review I've ever written, but his New Criticism framework -- yes, really, New Criticism (!) -- doesn't hold up much. I'm afraid. I was honestly disappointed .... I'd read some of his Lovecraft criticism a while back, and his article on "The Rats in the Walls" was clearly a notch above what most other Lovecraft fan-scholars were doing.

Anyway, my most recent review -- just came out today -- is a highly laudatory review of Amy Binns's biography of novelist John Wyndham, Hidden Wyndham (2019).**

Just for giggles, I've managed to make references to Thomas Pynchon, Elena Ferrante, C. S. Lewis, and an extended analogy with A. S. Byatt's novel Possession. Check it out (my review, that is, but the book too) for a rollicking good read.

** Technically, I was too busy to do reviews last semester, but the reviews editor told me, since both books had gone three years without a reviewer picking them up, he'd publish any review quite quickly. Otherwise, too, without me they would have gone reviewless.


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