Golden Opportunity Nearly Missed (But Nonetheless Flubbed)

So, after enjoying Stefan Ekman's monograph on fantasy maps, I did a little entirely-normal-and-not-at-all creepy "scholar stalking," Well, I found his CV and saw to my surprise that his most recent publication was in Fafnir: A Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research.

"Huh!" I thought. "That's weird -- I just published a review of Jamie Williamson's book there."

Turns out that I'd been so busy with job applications and finishing my dissertation chapter that I never had the chance to look through the issue properly. Well, I did -- and discovered that, at the end of the journal's title page, was an advertisement for a new co-editor in chief position!

Now, I'm already currently editor in chief for Scientia et Humanitas, MTSU's journal of peer reviewed student research, but I graduate this May and know I'll miss being a part of academic publishing. And working with Fafnir would not only have been good for professionalization reasons, but it would also have allowed me to employ my editorial skills for the academic field in which I actually do research in. Only problem? I saw this advertisement four days after the deadline for applications had passed.

So, keeping my fingers crossed, I e-mailed the guy, and he said that the board hadn't met yet and I could still submit. Counting my lucky stars, then, I did. Alas and alack! We got the decision two days ago and, while apparently I had been shortlisted as one of three finalists, they eventually gave the position to a talented scholar of Bengali science fiction. 

Still, it was nice to have been considered. I'll just have to keep my eye out for further opportunities.


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